#15 Python Tutorial for Beginners | Python BitWise Operators
#15 Python Tutorial for Beginners | Python BitWise Operators Welcome, and in this series on Python, we will be focusing on bitwise operators. Bitwise operators are used to manipulate binary numbers, which can be useful when working with money formats or other applications. Let's dive right in! The Complement Operator (~) The tilde (~) symbol is used to represent the complement operator in Python. The complement of a binary number is obtained by flipping all the bits (0s become 1s and 1s become 0s). For example, the complement of 12 is -13. Example: ~12 = -13 To understand why the complement of 12 is -13, we need to understand the concept of two's complement. In computer systems, negative numbers are stored in two's complement form. To find the two's complement of a number, we find the one's complement (flip all the bits) and then add 1 to the result. Example: 12 in binary: 1100Complement of 12: 0011Two's complement of 12: 1101 (which is -13 in decimal) Try dif...